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¿Podemos orar con el Papa? Algunos cristianos aseguran que no es una buena idea
En Europa, los evangélicos están divididos sobre la relación correcta con Roma.
In Search of Most Beautiful Language, Scholars Turn to ‘Jesus’ Film
And other brief news from Christians around the world.
Como o Papa é católico, há cristãos dizendo que não devemos nos juntar a ele em oração
Na Europa, os evangélicos estão divididos quanto ao relacionamento correto com Roma.
Habemus papam ? Des évangéliques européens aux prises avec Rome.
En Europe, les évangéliques sont divisés sur la relation à entretenir avec les catholiques.
Macetando o Apocalipse ou o testemunho cristão?
À medida que as igrejas evangélicas continuam a se multiplicar, os líderes pedem bom senso sobre quando e como testemunhar.
Was Carnival Rapture Warning Courageous or Inappropriate? Brazil Debates Eschatology
After pop star’s surprise witness ends with a bang, evangelical leaders discuss whether to axe apocalypse talk as ineffective evangelism.
Is the Pope Catholic? Then These Christians Say Don’t Pray with Him.
In Europe, evangelicals are divided over the right relationship with Rome.
Kutsal Kitap Kilisenin Ne Öğreteceğini Belirler. Peki Kilise Öğretisi Kutsal Kitap’ı Nasıl Okuyacağımızı Belirlemeli mi?
Bir Protestan, Katolik bir ilahiyatçının Kutsal Kitap’ın “kiliseye özgü” bir şekilde okunması çağrısını değerlendiriyor.
The Bible Dictates What the Church Teaches. Should Church Teaching Dictate How We Read the Bible?
A Protestant considers a Catholic theologian’s call for an “ecclesial” reading of Scripture.
À medida que o evangelicalismo cresce na América Latina católica, também cresce o secularismo
Um acadêmico colombiano avalia a situação do movimento, cerca de 150 anos após a chegada dos primeiros missionários protestantes.
El movimiento evangélico ha crecido lentamente en América Latina. El catolicismo no ha sido el único obstáculo
Apenas 150 años después de la llegada de los primeros misioneros protestantes, un académico colombiano analiza el estado del evangelicalismo en la región predominantemente católica.
As Evangelicalism Grows in Catholic Latin America, So Does Secularism
A Colombian scholar assesses the state of the movement roughly 150 years after Protestant missionaries first arrived.
Argentina Legalized Abortion in 2020. Will This Impact Evangelicals’ Presidential Vote?
(UPDATED) Upstart candidate Javier Milei says he's pro-life. But for some Christians, his economic positions may be a bigger draw than his moral ones.
As Mongolia Catholics Welcome Francis, Evangelicals Wrestle with Growing Pains
Recent revival has brought Protestant churches more members. But what Mongolian Christian leaders want most is more disciples.
El número de evangélicos supera al de católicos en Centroamérica
Los «creyentes no denominacionales» obtienen el segundo puesto.
Evangelicals Outgrow Catholics in Central America
“Nondenominational believers” rank close behind.
대림절에 대한 세 가지 흔한 오해
브라질, 콜롬비아, 프랑스, 필리핀의 기독교 지도자들이 대림절 시즌에 대한 잘못된 믿음에 대한 논쟁에 뛰어들었다.
Три широко поширених заблудження про Адвент
Християнські лідери з Бразилії, Колумбії, Франції та Філіппін розповідають про помилки в розумінні Адвента.
Три широко распространенных заблуждения об Адвенте
Христианские лидеры из Бразилии, Колумбии, Франции и Филиппин рассказывают об ошибках в понимании Адвента.
Tres ideas populares pero equivocadas sobre el Adviento
Líderes cristianos de Brasil, Colombia, Francia y Filipinas presentan sus comentarios sobre las creencias erróneas acerca de esta temporada.

Top Story May 11, 2024

Marilynne Robinson Reads Genesis Without Anxiety
Marilynne Robinson Reads Genesis Without Anxiety
Unperturbed by debates over the book’s relationship to modern thought, she helps us appreciate its marriage of literary structure and theological claims.

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